Balance Your Body with Physical Therapy
Balance Portland philosophy. Bodies prefer to be in balance. However, daily life tends to be repetitive--and that can alter the body's natural balanced state. Physical therapy can offer evaluation, therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and education on efficient movement to promote balance and reduce painful, repetitive patterns within the body.
Common diagnoses treated:
Jessica takes a global approach evaluating your body as a whole system. You will learn about the most efficient and optimal posture for your body with precise examination of your movement patterns. Retraining your movement patterns improves alignment, posture, balance, and reduces strain and/or pain. If changes to your patterns are difficult to maintain, Jessica employs manual therapy and therapeutic exercises to help your body find your neutral posture. |
What to Expect. The initial assessment is typically 75-90 minutes. This visit will include a discussion of your medical history including past surgeries and bodily injuries, and changes you may be able to make that day. Physical examination includes an assessment of posture, flexibility, and strength. Please plan to wear flexible clothing that allows easy movement. You and Jessica will determine the most appropriate treatment plan to restore pain-free movement and improve your function and performance.